Days Gone Afraid of a Little Competition bug is fixed after more than two weeks

Update: The latest Days Gone patch notes (opens in new tab) confirm that the progress-halting Afraid of a Little Competition bug has finally been squashed as of May 16.

Original story: The Days Gone Afraid of a Little Competition bug is still halting players’ progress through the Days Gone‘s main story at least two weeks after it was first reported. Developer Bend Studio confirmed that it was aware of the bug in an update to its Days Gone patch notes (opens in new tab) last week, saying it hoped to have an update on a fix early this week. Unfortunately, the studio hasn’t had anything further to say about the issue or a potential fix as of Wednesday.

It appears that the Days Gone Afraid of a Little Competition bug was unintentionally added along with update 1.06/1.07. I’ll keep the synopsis of how it happens in-game spoiler free: at one point in the main story, Deacon needs to track down an item and bring it back to someone. This glitch keeps the cutscene from triggering when he returns, leaving players staring at a locked door. Being a main mission, this bug halts players’ progress not only in the mission itself but also through the campaign’s story. At least you’re free to keep exploring the open world and do other activities in the meantime.

Some players have reported being able to circumvent the bug (opens in new tab) by restarting their PS4 and loading a save before they got the mission item, though others say nothing they try seems to work for them. Hopefully, affected players won’t have to wait much longer before Bend Studio at least addresses how long they may have to wait for a fix.

I’ve reached out to a Sony representative to see if the company has any news to share about the Days Gone Afraid of a Little competition bug, and I’ll update this story if I get a response.

While you’re waiting for a fix, see what else is on the way with our list of upcoming PS4 games (opens in new tab). Or watch our quick video review of Days Gone for an instant recap on the game’s strengths and flaws.

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