Crush3D announced for the 3DS

Sega has confirmed it will be releasing a redesigned version of Zoë Mode’s PSP spatial puzzler Crush for the Nintendo 3DS this Fall. The remake, oh-so-creatively called Crush3D, will make full use of the 3DS’ hardware, and include new puzzles, enemies and a hint system. Which is good, because if my memory serves me well, Crush was one of the PSP’s trickier titles.

Similar to the 2007 original, the game stars Danny, a loveable insomniac whose must safely traverse a gauntlet of trippy dreamscape environments in order to win himself a good night’s sleep. Players help Danny by switching back and forth (i.e. ‘crushing’) between 3D and 2D gameplay perspectives, thereby flattening enemies between overlapping 3D objects and opening up new paths in the process. Confused? Think Super Mario meets Inception meets Fry from Futurama. If you wrap can your head around that, you’ll have no problem understanding Crush3D’s reality-bending mechanics.

Crush3D is dated for September 6th in North America, and September 9th in Europe and Australia.

May 11, 2011

Similar to the 2007 original, the game stars Danny, a loveable insomniac whose must safely traverse a gauntlet of trippy dreamscape environments in order to win himself a good night’s sleep. Players help Danny by switching back and forth (i.e. ‘crushing’) between 3D and 2D gameplay perspectives, thereby flattening enemies between overlapping 3D objects and opening up new paths in the process. Confused? Think Super Mario meets Inception meets Fry from Futurama. If you wrap can your head around that, you’ll have no problem understanding Crush3D’s reality-bending mechanics.

Crush3D is dated for September 6th in North America, and September 9th in Europe and Australia.

May 11, 2011

Similar to the 2007 original, the game stars Danny, a loveable insomniac whose must safely traverse a gauntlet of trippy dreamscape environments in order to win himself a good night’s sleep. Players help Danny by switching back and forth (i.e. ‘crushing’) between 3D and 2D gameplay perspectives, thereby flattening enemies between overlapping 3D objects and opening up new paths in the process. Confused? Think Super Mario meets Inception meets Fry from Futurama. If you wrap can your head around that, you’ll have no problem understanding Crush3D’s reality-bending mechanics.

Crush3D is dated for September 6th in North America, and September 9th in Europe and Australia.

May 11, 2011

Similar to the 2007 original, the game stars Danny, a loveable insomniac whose must safely traverse a gauntlet of trippy dreamscape environments in order to win himself a good night’s sleep. Players help Danny by switching back and forth (i.e. ‘crushing’) between 3D and 2D gameplay perspectives, thereby flattening enemies between overlapping 3D objects and opening up new paths in the process. Confused? Think Super Mario meets Inception meets Fry from Futurama. If you wrap can your head around that, you’ll have no problem understanding Crush3D’s reality-bending mechanics.

Crush3D is dated for September 6th in North America, and September 9th in Europe and Australia.

May 11, 2011

About Fox

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