Call of Duty: Warzone now has support for 120fps providing the player has a HDMI 2.1 cable.
Call of Duty: Warzone season 4 has introduced the ability to play on PS5 with 120fps. This was possible on the Xbox Series X seven months ago, and now PlayStation players can experience it so long as they have an HDMI 2.1 cable hooked up and compatible TV according to the patch notes (opens in new tab) from June 16.
There’s not much more detail in the patch notes other than the simple fact the game supports 120fps now with the requirement of HDMI 2.1. You will need to do some checks to make sure you’re getting those frames though. This can be done by going to the system settings and enabling 120Hz Output to Automatic in the Video Output menu. Then you’ll need to change your Game Presets to Performance Mode.
Back in 2020, Rocket League developer, Psyonix spoke to Eurogamer (opens in new tab) about why it can only provide 120fps on the Xbox Series X|S. It explained that for the Xbox consoles, only a minor patch is needed, but for PS5 it “requires a full native port due to how backwards compatibility is implemented on the console” But now, through the use of an HDMI 2.1 and perhaps some development tweaks from Raven Software, PS5 users can experience Warzone in 120fps.
Warzone season 4 has only just begun, and there’s a bunch of new content for players to get locked and loaded into. The studio has a detailed roadmap of what content to expect, although if you are on PS5 you’ll likely have to reconfigure your game after the update reset console players’ settings. Also, you’ll likely notice that armored trucks have been removed, which is due to an invisibility glitch.
There’s a bunch of Prime Day PS5 deals (opens in new tab) available to look through in our roundup of Amazon’s upcoming sale, perhaps there’s some console gear you’ve been meaning to pick up?
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