“The thing about Ripper – the essence of it – is that the BBC came to me at one point like, ‘It doesn’t have to be Ripper . It can just be [Anthony Stewart Head], and there’s magic, and he’s Tony, cuz he’s awesome,’” Whedon tells The AV Club, which so far is pretty much what he told SFX back in 2010 .
But then he goes on: “And that’s the thing: For some reason, he keeps getting sexier every year. That’s not happening to me! I’m like, ‘What are you doing?’ And that story was always about a mature guy who’s lived, and about the choices he’s made. So you could make that now, or you could make it 10 years from now. And I’ve tortured Tony more than any other living human with, ‘We’re definitely gonna do this!’ Because I thought we were. He’s working so much, though, I’d feel too guilty. But that’s the thing with Ripper: It doesn’t go away in my head because he’s still right for it, and he could still bring it.”
And we would still watch it.
So, it’s not really news , but it’s good to know the project is still something Whedon’s actively thinking about. Unless this is an example of that thing human’s call “Whedon’s humour” and he’s just decided to created the longest-running gag in TV history.