Below delayed indefinitely, team says its “going dark” until the game is ready

Below (opens in new tab) was one of the first indie games announced for Xbox One. Developed by Super Time Force (opens in new tab) developer Capybara Games, the top-down, dungeon crawling, Souls-like game was announced by way of a gorgeous reveal trailer at E3 2013. Three years later however, Capy has just announced that the game will be delayed indefinitely.

“We did a lot of soul searching. We knew we wanted to get it into your hands as soon as possible. We knew the game was there, and we’re super proud of it, but we also knew it needed more time to make sure it lives up to our studio’s standards, and the quality that you expect from our games,” the studio wrote on its blog (opens in new tab).

“Instead of giving you a new, loose release window, we will be going dark while we take the time that we need to complete Below without compromise. The next time you see a major Below update, that means our game has a firm release date, which we’ll share.”

Hopefully that day comes sooner rather than later.

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