
Nintendo details official 3DS launch party in NYC

If you’re in the New York area this Saturday and don’t have anything to do, head on over to Union Square where Nintendo will be hosting a full day of 3DS events, culminating in the official US launch of the system at midnight. Beginning at noon on Saturday, Nintendo will …

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What are your favorite GamesRadar features of all time?

Surely you’ve heard? This month marks the glorious five-year anniversary of, still officially the most official “official” website of the internet and, if we may be so bold, a pretty good place to read about games. For the past few weeks, we’ve celebrated this milestone by bringing back some …

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The Magicians Nephew could be next Narnia film

Narnia hasn’t exactly reached the heady heights of Harry Potter on the big screen, but the franchise’s more than healthy box office returns means that a fourth Narnia movie could still be in the offing. Walden Media and 20th Century Fox are currently discussing the possibility of making another movie …

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Star Wars: Knights of The Old Republic review

Where The Phantom Menace failed, Knights Of The Old Republic succeeds brilliantly. This is a Star Wars prequel done right – with nary a Gungan in sight. KOTOR takes place 4,000 years before the movies, during the Old Republic’s 10,000 year reign. All the familiar technology, however, had already been …

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