15 3D Classics we want to see on 3DS

Ever since Nintendo announced its 3D Classics initiative for the 3DS eShop, our imaginations have been working in overdrive dreaming of the many ways our favorite games could benefit from a three-dimensional facelift. Now, nearly one year since its launch, we’re still… well… waiting.

With just a handful of downloads to choose from, the selection of 3D Classics is slim to say the least. Sure, we dig how Nintendo made Excitebike exciting again, or how it gave Kirby a little girth, but we thought by now our 3DS hard drives would be replete with classic NES, Game Boy, and Sega games in glorious 3DS-O-Vision.

Suffice to say, Nintendo has a long way to go before 3D Classics becomes the shop it was born to be. Thankfully, it also has hundreds of so-called classics to work with. So where should it begin on its road to digital salvation? We have some ideas…


Rare’s answer to the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles proved there was room for another gang of sass-talking amphibious brawlers, and sometimes it was way more fun to smack around our friends than actually pay attention to the game. Blending side-scrolling levels with technically advanced (at the time) faux-3D sequences, the co-op beat-em-up headbutted the platforming genre into the future and still holds up after all these years.

Re-jigged as a 3D classic, climbing the Dark Queen’s tower would take on a whole new depth, as would riding waves in Surf City, rappelling down the Wookie Hole, or spelunking into Volkmire’s Inferno. And yes, adding an extra dimension might actually help us get through the notorious Speeder Bike level without kicking a puppy. I’s unlikely Rare will dust off Rash, Zitz, and Pimple for a new sequel anytime soon, so a Battletoads entry in the 3D Classics library might be our only chance to chill out with the other green heroes from our past.

Marble Madness

Few games are as a ripe for 3DS controls as Marble Madness. Atari’s arcade skill game was all about manipulating a sphere through a 2.5D maze using exacting controls and the patience of a monk. Minus the monk part, the 3DS is more than equipped to improve upon the core mechanics, sporting motion controls and 3D imaging that would tranform Marble Madness into the experience it was designed to be back in the mid-80s.

Nintendo’s already tinkered with Marble Madness remakes and sequels on the DS and Wii. So while the concept of controlling the marble with something other than a directional pad has been done, a makeover for the 3DS would pair those updated controls with bona fide 3D courses, making for one addictive download.


Paperboy’s been ported many times since its debut in 1984, but there’s still room in our hearts and bank accounts for an extra-dimensional version of Atari’s arcade action game. What better way to pay tribute to the paper-chucking classic than by bringing a new visual depth the game’s rolling suburban landscape? With a new home on the 3DS, Nintendo could lift Paperboy from its 2D cabinet perspective, and really make those houses, mailboxes, and house cats feel like actual objects and obstacles. Given the skill-based nature of Paperboy’s gameplay, Nintendo could also bring classic gamers into the fold with an online leaderboard or score attack challenges.

On a technical level, it would take some skill to add a field of depth to Paperboy’s constantly scrolling environments. But then, if Nintendo is willing to put in the extra effort, we’ll be happy to leave a tip.

Drill Dozer

Drill Dozer was an innovative action puzzler for Game Boy Advance that’s been all but forgotten despite winning over critics and gamers alike back in 2005. Offering more than your cut-and-paste platformer, Game Freak (of Pokemon fame) and its drill-centric adventure challenged players with combating enemies and navigating maze-like levels with a drill that could be upgraded and tweaked for various effects. Mastering the art of the drill was essential to solving the game’s puzzles and besting end-level bosses. It was a game for thinkers and twitch gamers alike, and more than deserving of a second shot at greatness. As a plus, new 3D visuals could help distinguish the game’s interactive elements from the background, better define Jill’s playground, or at the very least bring a cult classic back with some nifty new tricks.


Xevious is a decent shooter in a pinch, but if we could pick one golden oldie to represent the shooter genre in the 3D Classics library, it would be Gradius all the way. Konami ushered in one of the strongest shooter series on Nintendo’s debut console, and introduced the world to the Konami code; two strong reasons why Vip Viper deserves to be recommissioned for Ninty’s newest handheld.

Fanboy fawning aside, where Xevious’s top-down perspective looks plenty fine with a three-dimensional tweak, the effect would be put to better use on Gradius’s side-scrolling missions. It would add a new perspective the hectic action, and affect gameplay in a meaningful (albeit, largely superficial) way. Xevious is a solid fighter, but now it’s time to call up the big boys.

Metal Gear

Modern day Snake fans already got their Metal Gear fix with this year’s Solid Snake Eater 3D (read our review (opens in new tab)), so it’s only fair that retro-3DS gamers get a crack at one of the spy’s original missions. Bringing Metal Gear’s debut title back into play would fill in Snake’s handheld resume, and the inclusion of 3D visuals would spice up the straightfoward top-down action sequences. Nintendo wouldn’t even need to lift a finger to fit the new look with Metal Gear Solid’s gameplay; except for possibly enhancing the stealth elements by programming AI to recognize Snake’s height and position. It’s a long shot, we know.

Frankly, we’re surprised Metal Gear Solid hasn’t been released for the 3DS eShop, considering all the hype it generated for Konami’s Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater remake. We predict it’ll infiltrate Nintendo’s digital warehouse eventually, so why not use the franchise’s popularity to raise a few alarms in the 3D Classics section?

Castle of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse

With Mickey Mouse slated to return in two new flavors this fall (Epic Mickey 2: The Power of Two for Wii and Epic Mickey 2: Power of Illusion for the 3DS) you can bet Disney is polishing off at least one of its classic Castle of Illusion games for re-release. Instead of rehashing the Sega series for Wii’s Virtual Console, it would be in Disney’s best interest to bring the fetchingly animated platformer to Nintendo’s 3D Classics as a way to promote the lackluster library and give 3DS Mousekateers an opportunity to enjoy one of Mickey’s earliest adventure with a little added flair.

So what makes Mickey great for 3D? Castle of Illusion was already one of the prettiest games for the Sega Genesis when it bounced out in 1990, so we’d love to see those themed “rooms” in the titular Castle of Illusion come alive through the separation of the lovingly rendered backgrounds and the equally pleasing character animations. With only a few touch ups, this would be a visual treat on the 3DS.

Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow

The 3DS is hurting for a solid Metroidvania experience, and while Konami has hinted we might see Castlevania: The Adventure arrive for the regular NES section somewhere down the road, we’d prefer to see the vampire slaying series represented by one of its stronger chapters, Aria of Sorrow. The third Castlevania game for the Game Boy Advance, this sequel carried the series into the year 2035, and re-coated the gothic series in a colorful and futuristic sheen that would stand out on the 3DS’s screen. We can see the 3D effect used to create a multi-dimensional map, and the duel screens coming in handy for on-the-fly equipment changes. What’s more, porting the sequel to Nintendo’s newest handheld would also let players make use of the Tactical Souls feature without having to fumble around with a transfer cord.

Arguably, there are a handful of Castlevania games that would equate to great 3D adventuring; each requiring only the separation of the gaming planes to compliment the already tight gameplay. Ideally, we’d love for all Castlevania games to be resurrected in glorious 3D, but we don’t want to seem too greedy.


Because Nintendo is an equal opportunity employer (and non-Nintendo mascots deserve a little love too), we see no reason why Sega’s own Ristar can’t be selected for a 3D upgrade. Produced in 1995, Ristar was a well-received platforming title that made up for its underwhelming character design through the innovative use of Ristar’s stretchable arm mechanic that was used to grapple, swing, and propel players through the game’s twelve levels. This is another video gaming classic that would need very little retooling to be fitted with a 3D body, and one in which an extra dimension would make Ristar’s colorful foregrounds and multi-layered background truly shine.

Ristar never came close to rivaling Sonic’s popularity, despite cribbing the hedgehog’s general feel and vibrant aesthetics. Regardless, Ristar’s entries for the Sega Genesis and Game Gear were close to as enjoyable. That’s why Ristar has already been invited to Wii’s Virtual Console, and why we’re rooting for this B-grade mascot on the 3DS.

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