Thronebreaker: The Witcher Tales is out now on iOS with PC cross save support

Thronebreaker: The Witcher Tales has arrived on iOS, letting you play single-player Gwent and make hard decisions on your iPhone.

You can pick up Thronebreaker on the App Store (opens in new tab) now, with the US price coming to $9.99. That’s half the price of picking up the Switch version (opens in new tab), which came out earlier this year. The developers say the iOS version has dedicated touch screen controls for ideal playing on your phone – and if you already started playing on PC, you can use cloud saves to automatically carry your progress from one platform to the other. An Android version is planned to follow later this year.

Thronebreaker has the unusual distinction of being a spin-off of a spin-off: the Gwent card game in The Witcher 3 (opens in new tab) inspired the creation of a free-to-play multiplayer Gwent game, and then Thronebreaker followed as its own single-player story that uses Gwent deck building and matches to represent climactic battles. While Thronebreaker is its own thing, you can get special ornaments and cards to use back in Gwent by playing through the game.

More importantly, Thronebreaker is its own sprawling story of souls and swords clashing in the world of The Witcher. You play as Meve, the queen of Lyria and Rivia, and the decisions you make at key moments will shape her story for hours and hours to come. Here’s what our reviewer Lucas Sullivan thought of the original PC version (opens in new tab) in 2018.

“Thronebreaker has set the new gold standard for how the genre can elevate itself far beyond the basics of building decks and flopping cards onto a virtual board. Imagine if Hearthstone’s solo Adventures and Dragon Age: Inquisition had a kid, which had to then fend for itself in the same harsh, monster-filled world as Geralt of Rivia. That’s Thronebreaker.”

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