Tag Archives: Reader Bloggers

BLOG Elysium: The Art Of The Film REVIEW

As I’ve said before it’s always difficult to review a book like this. You get the same approach in every book of this type; casting, costume choices, locations and so on. It’s not a bad thing, God knows I’ve been reading these things avidly since I could shave, but it …

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(opens in new tab) Remember that scene when they blew up the White House in Independence Day ? Remember seeing the Statue Of Liberty’s head roll down the street in Cloverfield? They were huge iconic moments. Moments that set up their respective film’s threats; events which set the stakes as …

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BLOG Doctor Who In Six Lines Of Java

(opens in new tab) Whilst we’re in Doctor Who limbo, waiting to find out who the next Doctor will be, how long the new season is, what John Hurt’s role is and the other members of the never ending Legion Of Questions, it’s easy to get bored. Admittedly things can’t …

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BLOG The Power Of A Poster

I see from my Facebook feed that it’s one week until the release of Star Trek Into Darkness . I know this because Paramount seems to be posting a countdown photo each day. After all the various trailers and posters and TV spots hitting us over the head with the …

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BLOG Five Seasons. No Movie

The biggest loss for me was definitely Fringe . My favourite show in a good long time left our screens after five season and a hundred episodes in January this year. I’m really going to miss that show. Eureka , one of the few fun, non-arc-plotted shows also left our …

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BLOG How You Can Help Save Kids Comics

(opens in new tab) Jamie Smart is one of the best comic creators you may not have heard of. He’s best known for work like Corporate Skull , a cheerfully sweary web comic about an office drone who has his face accidentally taken off in a frankly surreal photocopier accident …

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BLOG Spaceships On The Horizon

(opens in new tab) I can see spaceships on the horizon. It might take a while but I live in the hope that they’re coming… With the demise of Fringe the only sci-fi show we really have left is the time travel based show Continuum . There’s Defiance, the new …

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BLOG Man Of Steel Must Show Its Mettle

(opens in new tab) So, buried in a Variety article about the shifting power of various Warner Bros execs is this little gem: “Stakes are high for Man Of Steel . Other than Nolan’s Batpics, Warners has not been able to effectively exploit the DC library. Its 2011 Green Lantern …

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BLOG Adam Roberts Conference

Adam Roberts is one of the most consistently inventive voices working in modern science fiction. His work ranges from playful parodies released under a pseudonym to books that take the basic principles of science fiction and do something genuinely surprising with them. For example, Yellow Blue Tibia is the story …

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BLOG The Wolfmen & Fall Of The Wolfmen

The Wolfmen & Fall Of The Wolfmen Written by Dave West Art by Andy Bloor £3.00 ( The Wolfmen ) • £3.95 ( Fall Of The Wolfmen ) Jack Grey is a criminal on the up, a man completely at home with violence and wanting nothing more than to make …

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