Tag Archives: N64

8 unlicensed sports games that didnt play by the rules

Who needs brand loyalty? Games can be a welcome escape, one where we steal cars, fly through space, or become anime lawyers. Yet so many licensed sports games force you to play football, baseball, and soccer the way the NFL, MLB, and FIFA want. Those simulations have their place, but …

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Your A to Z guide to the 90s raddest gaming mascots

Way past cool. Trying to describe radness feels like describing color to the blind. It cannot be taught, it must be experienced. Just look at Mullet Jr. up there. What words exist to describe his state of being? If forced to give an answer on the nature of radness, I’d …

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13 hardcore challenges invented by players

Making their own Ultra Hard modes If you’re looking for a challenge, tons of games will readily provide one. Between extreme difficulty settings, permadeath modes, and special end-of-game ranks, developers love giving masochistic gamers the tools they need to take on thumb-blisteringly arduous playthroughs. But sometimes, even the built-in options …

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19 of the best unlockable characters

A new challenger approaches! There’s nothing better than adding a new face to your ranks. Whether you’ve recruited a new knight or unlocked some special character mode, it’s a great feeling knowing there’s more to a game than the starting roster. Nothing spices up a skating game like a Sith …

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Video game torture: tame or terrifying? A medieval executioner weighs in

Scream Rocket Torture–that most brutal application of pain–was first discovered by an unwitting ‘Adam 1’ in the biblical Garden of Eden. After accidentally pulling out a lock of Eve’s precious hair, Earth’s first woman quickly reciprocated with the old ‘bamboo up the fingernails’ treatment, followed by several hours of ‘electro-sponge’ …

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As MMORPGs falter, Destiny and its ilk take off

It’s been a rough few months for massively multiplayer online role-playing games. An anonymous source reportedly told Polygon (opens in new tab) that as many as 60 positions were cut from WildStar developer Carbine Studios, among other layoffs across NCSoft’s Western operation.. Similar cuts hit MMO studios Zenimax Online Studios …

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9 hilariously evil ways games punish cheaters

The cheat is grounded Since time immemorial, video games have included cheat codes. A tiny handful of letters, numbers, and symbols let players experience their favorite games in ways that the developer may not have intended. Infinite lives. All the weapons. Oh, look, a tank just appeared! It’s a great …

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