Tag Archives: Call of Duty: Black Ops III

Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 collectibles guide

The Call of Duty wheel of bullet-ridden fortune has spun yet again and it’s time for Treyarch’s Black Ops series to step back into the limelight. Black Ops 3 (opens in new tab)’s robo-tastic campaign has a total of 56 collectibles to add to your virtual swag bag, but don’t …

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Call of Duty Black Ops: The story so far

Future Perfect Gearing up for next month’s release of Call of Duty: Black Ops 3? We know that time is of the essence, so we’ve recapped all the major events from the series over the next few pages. Whether you’re going in cold or if you just want a refresher, …

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Im buying Black Ops 3 strictly for its Zombies mode

I’m an, uh, unabashed lover of all things Jeff Goldblum. I adore his turns as a brilliant mathematician with a strange laugh (opens in new tab), an expert on artisan knots (opens in new tab), the confident spokesman for Waitmate (opens in new tab), a neurosurgeon named New Jersey (opens …

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