Tag Archives: Bastion

Humble Indie Bundle 5 is the best HIB yet

If you’ve been looking for a few good games to while away the evening hours during E3, then look no further because the latest Humble Indie Bundle (opens in new tab) is here to blow your freakin’ socks off. No joke, this is probably the best bundle of games we’ve …

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The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim takes GDC Awards top prize

The Game Developers Choice Awards were held last night during GDC 2012, and paid tribute to industry’s best games and game makers of 2011. Bethesda was the big winner of the event, scoring the night’s Game of the Year award for The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim (opens in new tab), …

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GamesRadar E3 2011 Awards: Most Graphics

Hey, videogames are a visual medium. Therefore, graphics are part of the package. How large a part they play is one of those things gamers will argue about for hours, withlots ofphrases like”graphics whore”, “frames per second”, “gameplay first”, and “realism vs art” thrown about. We say don’t overcomplicate things …

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