Baby Yoda is the star of The Mandalorian (opens in new tab); there’s no getting away from that. He’s belatedly arrived on merchandise (opens in new tab), starred in Twitter-breaking memes, and now he’s got his own brilliant fan edit, one that sees the mean, green Force-wielding machine take on Darth Sidious in a lightsaber duel. This really is Baby Yoda’s galaxy – and we’re just living in it.
The video (one of two from YouTuber MaxeBaumannFilms2013 – yes, it’s an ongoing series) takes the climactic lightsaber battle from Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith (opens in new tab) between Yoda and Darth Sidious in the Senate and replaces the older Yoda with Baby Yoda. Then it just gets weird.
Baby Yoda arrives in his floating cradle as Sidious seethes and curses his little rival’s “arrogance.” That’s made all the better by Baby Yoda’s responses just being babble and gurgles. There’s a joke in there somewhere about the quality of the Prequel Trilogy’s dialogue, but I daren’t make it.
Then, the moment we’ve all been waiting for. Baby Yoda picks up a lightsaber. It might never happen in The Mandalorian, so this is as likely as we’ll get to seeing the little guy take on someone while “Duel of the Fates” blares in the background. He actually fares a little better than Yoda, too, with a last-minute plot twist seeing Mando himself come in and save the day with a well-timed blaster shot. He clearly had the higher ground.
For more from the biggest show on Disney Plus (opens in new tab) – including when to watch the next Chapter – be sure to check out The Mandalorian release schedule (opens in new tab).
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