Ooblets Oobcoop guide: What coops do, how to craft them, and how to upgrade them

In the world of Ooblets, there’s a lot to learn. From amassing gummies to collecting various crafting materials like clothlets, plus all those dance battles, your arrival in Badgetown can get busy in a hurry. After a few hours, it’ll be time to start building coops to give your ooblet friends a cozy place to live when they’re not hitting the dance floor. This guide will teach you how to build a coop, how to upgrade them, and how to best put them to use.

How to build an Oobcoop

(Image credit: Glumberland)

To build a coop, you’ll first need to unlock the Oobcoop blueprint in the Wishie menu, found either at the Wishie Well in town or in your character menu for quicker access. The level one coop blueprint will cost you 100 Wishies, which should be easy enough to come by if you win the day’s dance battle in the dance barn – you get 170 Wishies per day for winning all three rounds. 

Once you’ve unlocked the coop level one blueprint, you’ll next need to head to Manatwee, the furniture store in the town center. You’ll recognize it by the green sofa logo on the building. Head inside and to the left of the store where you’ll find the fabricuter – nope, that’s not a typo, it’s just Ooblets’ style to give things silly names. 

In the fabricuter menu, you’ll see various blueprints for objects, depending on what blueprints you’ve unlocked so far. Among them will be your new coop blueprint. Provided you have what you need (three Clothlets, 15 Nurnies, 10 Planklets, and one Oobsidian), you’ll be able to build a coop and keep it in your inventory.

(Image credit: Glumberland)

Next you’ll want to bring it to your farmland and choose a spot to place it. There’s no wrong answers here, other than you should put it some place that won’t block your own farming paths. Now that you’ve got a coop, you’ll be able to give your Home Babies – ooblets that aren’t actively following you – a place to hang out and even help out. You can head inside any coop to assign ooblets to that space. 

How to upgrade an Oobcoop 

(Image credit: Glumberland)

A level one coop allows for one ooblet to reside there, but you can upgrade a coop up to three times. Each upgrade not only allows for an additional ooblet to live there, but applies bonuses as well.

A coop allows for your ooblets to lend a hand with farming by watering your crops and removing weeds, stones, and twigs even if you’re not around. It can make the difference between a mess of encroaching red weeds and a dazzling farmland all Badgetownies would be impressed by.

Unlike the original coop blueprint, you won’t need to return to the fabricuter to upgrade Oobcoops to higher levels. You’ll need to head back into your wishie menu and buy each new blueprint, up to level four in early access, for an additional 100 Wishies each. 

(Image credit: Glumberland)

It’s worth doing, because each coop allows ooblets to clear out the mess surrounding their living spaces and helps your crops grow faster. Here’s the breakdown:

  • Coop level 1: one ooblet,  5% growth increase to nearby crops
  • Coop level 2: two ooblets, 10% growth increase to nearby crops
  • Coop level 3:  three ooblets, 20% growth increase to nearby crops
  • Coop level 4: four ooblets, 40% growth increase to nearby crops

You can tell what counts as nearby as it’s the square outline seen in the screenshot below. In addition to these bonuses, all level four Oobcoops let you store up to three seed varieties in the coop so the ooblets plant them in their own time, just like they clear out rubble and weeds for you.

(Image credit: Glumberland)

As you can also see in the image, weeds, twigs, and stones can run amok and cause some real panic in the perfection-seeking gardeners, so it’s important to know that the game is ultimately on your side. Using Oobcoops smartly is a major step to moving from a messy situation to something neater, nicer, and more lucrative.

About Fox

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