The Modern Warfare Cheshire Park Pied Piper Easter egg is the latest puzzle to be added to the game, after the Modern Warfare Trench Easter egg (opens in new tab) proved so popular in the initial Season 4 update. It’s the first time we’re seeing proper Easter eggs in Call of Duty Modern Warfare (opens in new tab) multiplayer maps and honestly, we love it. This is one of the more difficult ones to pull off so we’ve got a complete guide on how to activate the Pied Piper and combust all the rats into colorful explosions here with the Modern Warfare Cheshire Park Easter egg guide.
How to do the Modern Warfare Cheshire Park Pied Piper Easter egg
If you were expecting this Easter egg to be as simple as the bunker puzzle on Trench, then you’ve got another thing coming. This requires scouring the entire map for five mouse traps, which can spawn in essentially random locations. Yeah, it takes a while.
To kick things off, take a look at the statue in the middle of the courtyard. It’s a statue of the Pied Piper, a traditional tale in which a man is hired to eradicate rats from the town of Hamelin, Germany. He does so by luring them away through the power of song, through his magic pipe. When the townsfolk refused to pay him for his services, he played another tune, this time leading away all the children instead. Dark.
Thankfully, this Easter egg doesn’t involve luring any children anywhere. What you have to do is find five rat traps throughout the map and shoot them. The only problem is there are countless possible spawn locations — way too many to showcase on a map — and it’s always completely random. They’re often near rubbish bins, in alleyways, and around restaurants, but you’ll have to do some serious searching.
When you’ve found and shot all five mouse traps, a piece of cheese (seemingly edam, which is made backwards if you didn’t know) will spawn and you can pick it up. This will spawn a cheese wheel (with a piece missing) somewhere on the map. Again, this can be random, but look inside kitchens and on tables. Take the cheese wheel to the Pied Piper statue in the middle of the map and place the offering at the base.
The Pied Piper will play his tune, the rats will circle the statue, before spontaneously combusting. Congrats, Easter egg complete! You can’t die to this Easter egg like the one on Trench, but it is a little more involved. Here’s hoping these Easter eggs keep coming with new maps because they’re a lot of fun to discover.
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