Beyond Good and Evil 2 job listings appear to build our hopes up once more

A series of job listings for Beyond Good and Evil 2 shows that Ubisoft is still actively working on the game. 

As spotted by Game Rant (opens in new tab), Ubisoft currently has a number of roles open at its France-based studios to join the Beyond Good and Evil 2 team. The company’s Bordeaux, Montpellier, and Paris studios are looking for a 3D programmer (opens in new tab), vegetation technical artist (opens in new tab), level artist (opens in new tab), and more to join “the Beyond Good & Evil 2 development team.” 

Described as “one of the most innovative productions at Ubisoft” in the technical artist (opens in new tab) job listing, Beyond Good and Evil 2 was first revealed during the Ubidays 2008 conference – 13 years ago. We got to see another glimpse of it during E3 2018, but have heard almost nothing since. 

There have, however, been hints along the way that have given us hope of the project eventually getting released. First of all, series creator Michel Ancel left the project in September 2020 but promised that the sequel is going “super well.” Following that, we also found out that Beyond Good and Evil 2 is still alive and “progressing well” thanks to a Ubisoft earnings call in October 2020. 

More recently, in July 2021, Ubisoft confirmed that Beyond Good & Evil 2 is still in development and these new job listings have further backed this up. However, Ubisoft also said that it is “too early” to confirm when the game will actually come out. Considering the studio is still hiring for a lot of roles needed during the development process, we wouldn’t be surprised if we continue to not hear much for a few years yet. 

Looking for games to look forward to before the end of the year? Take a look at our new games 2021 list.  

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