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High on Life will be full of weird and wonderful in-game shorts like “Guy in a Hole”

High on Life will be full of weird and wonderful in-game shorts like “Guy in a Hole.”

There was no shortage of space adventures shown off at this year’s Summer Game Fest. We saw terrifying new footage of The Callisto Protocol, Aliens: Dark Descent, a new game set in the Alien Universe was revealed, and we finally got a look at Starfield gameplay. On the lighter and more quirky side was High On Life, a space-themed first-person shooter from Squanch Games and one of the brilliant minds behind Rick and Morty, Justin Roiland.

With High On Life’s October launch fast approaching, the developer has given us another glimpse of the kind of absurdity we can expect from the game. It’s a short titled “Guy in a Hole” that brilliantly pays homage to those music compilations frequently advertised on TV. Only instead of it being a collection of banging tunes, it’s the sound of some poor soul (voiced by Roiland) who, as you’ve probably guessed, has gotten himself stuck down a hole. 

As the video below shows, “The Sounds of Guy in a Hole” includes classic hits such as “It’s Dark” and “At Night Coyotes Pee on Me”. There’s also our favourite, “Why Are You Recording Me?” According to the developer, this is just one of many little shorts that will be in High on Life. They’ll be shown on in-game monitors dotted around the world, allowing you to pause and have a little chuckle before continuing your quest to save humanity from an alien cartel. 

High On Life will be released on October 25, 2022, and will be an Xbox “console launch exclusive”. From what we’ve seen in the announcement trailer, it’s a bit like Psychonauts on psychedelics

About Fox

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